welcome to bastec
Understanding that today’s energy network is a complex and critical industry. Specialised technicians aimed at optimising asset integrity & lifecycle performance across all High Voltage Infrastructure Protection & Control Systems.

Ben Schwarz
With 17 years of experience in the High Voltage arena, I am a strong advocate for the condition monitoring of High Voltage electrical infrastructure.
I specialise in providing critical HV services including outage management, testing of power transformers, primary plant, underground reticulation cables & the commissioning of protection & control systems.
Asset management and monitoring provides clients with information that allows for the asset to be scheduled for replacement or life cycle extensions through preventive maintenance. This will mitigate the risks associated with equipment failure, failures which ultimately result major damage, loss of supply and lost revenue.

- Solar Farms
- Windfarms
- Battery Storage

Utilities Infrastructure
- Substations
- Synchronous Condenser

Heavy Industrial
- Mining

Transformer Management
Transformer Management
- Insulation Power Factor/ Dissipation Factor/ Tan Delta (TanĪ“)
- Turns Ratio (TTR)
- DC Winding Resistance Static & Dynamic
- Excitation Current
- Vector Group
- DC Insulation Resistance
- Leakage Reactance
- Sweep Frequency Response (SFRA)
- Primary Through Injection
- Transformer Differential Stability

High Voltage Services
High Voltage Services
- CT Polarity
- CT Circuit Continuity
- CT Ratio & Phase Error
- CT Secondary DC Resistance
- CT Excitation/Magnetisation Curve
- CT Primary & Secondary DC Insulation Resistance
- CT Burden Measurement
- Three Phase Primary Injection
- CT Knee Point Current & Voltage Measurements
- Static Contact Resistance

Cable Testing & Fault Location
Cable Testing & Fault Location
- VLF Testing
- Partial Discharge Testing
- Tan Delta Testing
- Insulation & Sheath Testing
- Cable Fault Location

Protection & Control
Protection & Control
- Primary injection Test
- Secondary injection test
- Factory Acceptance (FAT)
- Site Acceptance (SAT)
- IEC 61850

High Voltage Switching
High Voltage Switching
- Development of High Voltage Switching Sheets
- Outage Planning
- High Voltage Switching operators

High Voltage Motors & Rotating Machines
High Voltage Motors & Rotating Machines
- Stator Insulation & PI Measurements Motor
- DC Winding Resistance Measurements Motor
- Stator Winding Impedance, Inductance & Phase Angle Motor
- Stator Winding Dielectric Loss Angle Measurements Motor
We have the passion & expertise to support your project.
We understand that loss of generation and supply can be costly to companies & utilities. With over 40 years of combined experience within the High Voltage industry, we offer a specialised service targeted at maximizing the effective lifespan of your power assets.

Phone number
0433 457 471

E-mail address

Looking to Start a Project? Browse our contact details Below.